What is it with my legs? Just when I decide to try a marathon run, I seem to be injuring my leg :-(
Last time, it was in 2006, when I wanted to participate in Wipro marathon run. Just before the day when the training started for marathon, I had a bad fall and broke my leg. I was out of action for 2 months. No running and not even walking.
Since then I never tried for any marathon and started considering the marathon only from last month onwards. Last week I got a mail from Ceekay on 8 KM marathon run happening in Valley school (The entire route is scenic with lush greenery and beautiful streams lacing the landscape of Valley school). I was tempted to go for this race, which is on 20th of June. Just when this thought came to my mind and when I was all set to register, I now have a broken toe, courtesy a fall I had during a small trek across a rocky hill during our trip to Melukote and Tonnur Kere on 4th June. Now I am out of action for 3 weeks. Doctor has advised me no-run and limited walk this time :-( Luckily for me the injury is not very serious as last time. But still, I cannot run for next 3 weeks and marathon is out of question again :-( Hmm, the marathon jinx continues for me.
Anyways, attaching few pics from our visit to Melukote and Kere-tonnur below:

(View of the route taken to reach MeluKote, as seen from the temple in Melukote)

(Kere Tonnur, a beautiful place. While crossing that small hill in the background, I injured my leg and broke the toe)

(Cooking our own lunch in Kere Tonnur. Lunch was ready only by 5 in the evening :-) )
we r planning for a picnic to tonnur kere...group of 20 family n kids....want to cook our lunch there n spend some time....few things to know....is it safe?...how deep is the water(since kids r there)....as per ur blog pic ...there is enough open space...as for our preparing lunch....is it advisable to cook there???(we usually cooked for all our past picnics....sometimes with some hindrance from the local folks)...ne suggestions???some info bot the route n nearby place of interest...
Dr Arindam Guha
docguha at gmail dot com
Yes, it is quite safe, water was not too deep. It is quite a vast place and you can definitely cook, try to reach the backside of the Tonnur kere (the one which you can see in the picture)... On the other side, it is quire crowded... There were no hindrance from local people either for cooking or otherwise... This place is quite close to Melkote, you need to take a deviation from Bangalore-Mysore highway, close to Mandya.